
inspiration of the day 11 ~@W@~!!!

car car car car car~~~~~!!!

Ferrari!!!! I really like this picture

Love the color

I think the head light is quite interesting




inspiraiton of the day 10~~~!!!!

luxurious super car!!! (i guess they all are...i mean luxurious)

I really like the contrast of materials they used here

even they are visually "contrasty" but the whole thing is very coherent in feeling

I love this series of packaging
so clean and elegant


inspiration of the day 9~~~!!


its a clean form and color~ remind me of little baby-ish things

I really like this one, clean and clear (涉嫌廣告!?) XD

like the colors =w=

really cute delivery box design X3


inspiration of the day 8~

I really like Aston Martin recently...very subtle and elegant

very interesting wall texture

its relatively easy to apply this texture but the effect looks gorgeous
playing with light and shadow make the wall looks shimmering


umeric~ cool portfolio!!

this studio is pretty awesome~

If I'm not doing industrial design, I would like to do these kind of things, too~XDD
check out their website~ UMERIC


inspiration of the day 7!!!!!

the contrast between stripy wall and that clean white panel is really nice

I like the abstractness of this picture

interesting space

Love details

I'm a fan of round corner....XD

Anyone interested in posting pictures about fashion, jewelery, shoes, kind of stuff?
It would be very helpful since I don't have a collection of that area of design~
It would be great if you would like to share it with everyone~^^!!


Inspiration of the day 6 ~

these metal tiles are awesome....aren't they?
beautiful patterns~~~~~~

very homey and worm kind of feeling
I kinda like the idea that the bath tub sink into the floor, but i wonder if its gonna be hard to get out when you are all wet and slippery.....

such a clean looking space~ ˊvˋ


Inspiration of the day 5~!!

these floating steps are really simple to make but definitely looks pretty cool~!!!

the dynamic form of the sofa/chair thing is pretty interesting

I love this kind of structure a lot, it kind of twist your perception of spaces when you were in it
also..nice colors, too

I really like these tile kind of thing, they made beautiful three dimensional pattern on the surface of a wall

it just seems fun to use one of this kind of thing...but I'm not sure if its actually comfortable to use it though...

fancy sofa lit with LEDs....maybe people would like it in a night club or something...


inspiration of the day 4~

eva solo bird feeder....i love their style, so clean and simple
and great contrast of materials

it just seems really comfy to live there~

I just think this is a cool roomy room~XD

I always like this kind of 2D 3D傻傻分不清楚kind of thing
and these graphics are really cute~just for decorating switches

同場加映~ Midnight Club EP

引人入勝, 曲折離奇, 動人心弦.....(沒詞了...)
very interesting~X3!!


inspiration of the day 3~!!

really like that subtle pattern~ so elegant~:3

This one is totally beautiful~, I love the way they use lines to form this dynamic and almost invisible surface that leads your eye all over the form

I just find this one funny~XD

I really like the purity of color and those cute puffy stuff~ X3

these are front and back of same sofa... i believe it's called "split personality sofa"
nice and quiet in the front and get all crazy and colorful when you go around...quite fun i guess

well that's it for today~