
well...this is my first wacom drawing

well....this is my first wacom drawing~
and it's also my first car interior drawing
the interior looks kinda empty when its on 18"x24" page
not enough detail in there...
still learning....
know whats bad about it will help me improve the next time :)
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yay~my second wacom drawing

just finished today~
its for my drawing class
we suppose to draw a product, but I ended up drawing this wierd thing
but im happy with it, and im sure it still need hell lot of improvement
this is the first time i spent such a long time on one drawing
it seem simple...but im slow...so....yea...u got the idea
all together it took me around 20 hr
I just want to try something different~and its really fun, too
just really tired...Orz
anyway~hope u like it


The Sandpit

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

this is such a cool video!! everything look like toys but they are all real!!

this video is made up of 35,000 still shots of new york city. put together with computer~

I'm not quite sure how he did the effect

if you want to know more its all in the interview of this following link



Microsoft Courier "Digital Journal"


而且只要用一隻筆就可以代替各式各樣的筆刷和顏色 (就像sketchbook pro~!!)
拼貼也不用膠水把手弄的黏乎乎的XD, 還能調整大小
也希望真的會看起來那麼漂亮, 幾乎沒有現在電腦windows的fu~


IESNYC: Liminal Luminosity

lighting competition

this Tuesday, our design class went to this IESNYC's lighting competition
we had to get up early and go to the city in the morning
we arrived the place at 8 o'clock (we usually don't wake up till 8:30 or later...)
anyway...it is an interesting experience
we get there and start to setting up our lighting fixtures, putting up the presentation boards
its pretty smooth process then we had expected (you always have to prepare for the worst scenario anyway...=w=)
after setting up we just went back to school, finish the afternoon class then go back again~

at night, the reception is like a high end party kind of stuff...
people are dringking and eating some snacky food (there's a crunchy bread tast real~~ly good)
it is interesting to see how different school and people approch the same topic given

the topic is Liminal Luminosity

"Construct a 3-dimensional study to show how light facilitates, defines, or bridges a point of transition."

(lim'i nel):

1. of or at the limen, or threshold
2. at a boundary or transitional point between two conditions

its fine if you don't get it....cause i don't get it either....XDDDD....Orz
anyway...im sure only few people will read the whole thing to this point...so...just go look at the picture...thats more interesting then my jumble mumble~

third price
寄件者 lighting competition

second price
寄件者 lighting competition

first price
寄件者 lighting competition

more info on the competition: http://www.iesnyc.org/NewsArticle.aspx?newsId=37528