
sketch of the day 08

Hi all! :D
This is the first time I'm posting something here...XD (so late lol)

I came across this artist, Laura Laine, a couple of days ago, 
and I fell in love with her style immediately!! 
Her details of the characters are so realistic,
and yet the characters themselves are cartoon-like. 
I really like how she drew the hair!

This is her personal website, go check it out! :D

now, to the sketch I was gonna talk about...
I was determined to draw hair like those by Laura Laine
but I wasn't trying hard enough...XD

Time: 20min

1 comment:

  1. problem fixed....=w=
    thx for noticing it~
    this is fantastic~~~~~~~!!
    that artist's style is quite elegant but creepy...
    remind me of those fashion models...Orz
    i guess the biggest difference between your figures and hers is that eyes in yours is bigger and brighter 0w0+
    is that a bad thing? i don't know...but for sure it's not as creepy as hers...XDD
